10 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

10 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

Did you know that too high blood sugar can lead to serious health problems? If you suffer from diabetes, then your blood sugar levels might be too high. 

If you're worried that yours is and don't know where to start, this blog post will delve into some of the early signs and symptoms of high blood sugar and offer tips on lowering your blood sugar if needed.

1. You're Thirsty And Moody

1. You're Thirsty And Moody

Did you know that thirst is one of the signs of high blood sugar? If your body starts to dehydrate due to the increased blood glucose levels in your system, it's going to signal for you to drink more water. This can mean feeling thirsty, even if you've just had a full bottle of water. Along with this sudden increased thirst, those who suffer from high blood sugar often feel grumpy or irritable.

2. You're Tired

When your blood sugar levels are too high, it often means that you have more insulin in the system than is needed. This higher level of insulin can cause hypoglycemia which leads to fatigue and tiredness for those with diabetes.

Your kidneys also work harder when there is excess glucose present in your body which causes fatigue and exhaustion. It can also lead to drowsiness and sleepiness.

Additionally, you might feel tired because of the changes in hormone levels that come with high blood sugar levels. The adrenaline your body produces when it needs energy is often absent due to the excess glucose levels, which will contribute to feelings of lethargy or exhaustion.

3. You're Losing Weight

3. You're Losing Weight

Another early sign of high blood sugar is that you might be losing weight. This can seem like a positive thing to those who are trying to lose some pounds, but it's important to remember that this isn't actually healthy and could lead to more problems down the line.

When your body starts using glucose as its primary energy source, there won't be enough left over for other functions within the body, including keeping muscles strong or maintaining your metabolism. Your body doesn't need any extra fuel, so instead, it burns off whatever nutrients are already in your system, leading people with diabetes to often have low levels of iron or calcium.

Your fat stores are also used to create energy when glucose levels in your blood get too high, which causes weight loss and rapid weight fluctuations. This could lead you to feel tired, cold, or even sick because of these changes within the system, so if you notice any sudden shifts in how much you weigh, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your blood sugar levels.

4. You're Starting To Have Vision Problems            

One of the early symptoms of high blood sugar is that you might start having issues with your eyesight, including blurred vision. This often happens when the membranes in the eye become dry and itchy, which can be caused by a high blood glucose level within the body. These membranes are moist, but the itching and irritation will occur if they get too dried out, making it difficult to see clearly.

People who have diabetes also tend to have a higher risk for glaucoma, so these problems could lead to blindness over time if left untreated because this disease affects how fluid moves through your eye, leading to loss of sight eventually.

5. Frequent Urination

5. Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is another indication of high blood sugar. This might not seem like a big deal at first, but it could be one of the more dangerous signs that your sugar levels are too high. When glucose remains in the system for a longer time, it can draw water from just about every organ within your body, causing them to shrink slightly.

A loss of water will lead to dryness throughout the entire system, including the bladder, which means you'll have to go more frequently than usual. The American Diabetes Association states that you might have to urinate up to 20 times in a single day even when your body doesn't need the water, especially concerning those whose kidneys are already affected by diabetes.

Staying hydrated is an important part of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels throughout the system, so make sure you're drinking enough fluids every day.

6. You're Feeling Anxious And Irritable

This typically shows up as a result of changes in hormone levels within your body which the extra glucose in your body can cause.

Low serotonin levels are often responsible for feelings like this, so if you notice yourself becoming more emotional than usual, it could also mean something is wrong with your insulin balance even though it's not always easy to tell what these changes will lead to at first because they happen gradually over time.

People who have diabetes tend to experience mood disorders such as depression and anxiety much more frequently than those who do not and other mental health issues, including memory loss and further cognitive declines.

7. You Have Bad Breath And Dry Mouth

7. You Have Bad Breath And Dry Mouth

An unusual smell when you breathe in through your mouth might indicate that something is wrong with the way glucose moves throughout your system. This can cause a buildup in ketone levels within your blood, giving off an unpleasant odor, much like nail polish remover or acetone.

Sometimes people mistake this for regular bad breath, but if it happens frequently and seems to have no other cause, it could be a sign that your insulin balance is out of whack, so make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice this happening.

Gum disease is also a frequent problem for people with diabetes, so if you notice that your gums are inflamed or swollen, it might be a sign that blood sugar is starting to rise. The dry mouth associated with this problem can lead to the development of cavities and other dental issues, so make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day as well as brushing after meals if necessary.

8. You're Noticing Skin Tags And Other Skin Issues

Skin tags and other skin issues can be a sign that something is wrong with your blood glucose levels. People with diabetes frequently have to deal with these types of things because high glucose levels affect the way cells produce collagen, making it difficult for the body to heal itself properly after an injury or wound occurs.

In addition, high glucose levels can cause blood vessels to become damaged, which leads to skin issues such as spider veins and rosacea. It's important that you make sure you're getting enough Vitamin A in your meal plan, so the body has what it needs to keep itself strong and healthy.

9. Your Legs And Feet Are Swollen

When there's too much sugar in the system, it can pull water into cells, which will swell up over time if you don't get these fluids moving through your body regularly.

The American Diabetes Association claims that people who have diabetes tend to have legs and feet up to five times larger than they should be, which can lead to complications within the circulatory system, including infections and reduced blood flow.

If you notice your feet and ankles begin to swell up, make sure to keep them elevated when possible. It's important to treat swelling as soon as possible by elevating your legs higher.

10. Slow-Healing Wounds and Bruises

10. Slow-Healing Wounds and Bruises

If you notice that wounds and bruises take a long time to heal, it could be an imbalance in your blood sugar level. High levels will cause the body's immune system to become weakened, which means it won't be able to fight off infections properly or recover from injuries as quickly.

Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels In Check

If you're feeling any of these early warning signs that something might be wrong with your body, then make sure to speak with a doctor or a certified diabetes educator who can provide medical advice on what steps to take next.

It doesn't hurt to get your blood sugar regularly tested, especially if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. The earlier something is detected, the better chance there will be at reversing it and making sure that your blood sugar levels stay in a healthy normal range.

On the contrary, if none of these apply, but your blood sugar level still seems off - please see a doctor as soon as possible! Your health matters more than anything else in this world. Never forget that. And remember: if it's not one thing on this list or another, just go get checked out by a medical professional immediately.